Friday, August 20, 2010

Transplanted Giants Music

Several years ago, I picked up the Extra Weird Sampler from the folks at Something Weird Video and their partners at Image Entertainment. It is loaded with a ton of crazy trailers and film clips and is heartily recommended to any fan of bizarre movies. The very first trailer on this collection is for a film called THE AMAZING TRANSPLANT.

I have never seen THE AMAZING TRANSPLANT, but it looks and sounds like a fascinatingly lurid movie. The trailer is a definite winner. Here is the trailer in all its NSFW glory. Please, don't click if you don't think your heart can stand the sight of (gasp!) nudity and feigned situations of an intimate nature.

The Amazing Transplant 1970 trailer
Uploaded by soulpatrol. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.

Really something, isn't it? One thing that has nagged me for years about this trailer was that the music sounded familiar to me somehow, but I could never quite figure out why. Then it hit me a couple of nights ago when I was looking up something else. Specifically, I was looking up this:


Well. This answers one question, but it presents several more in its place. The original Japanese version of THE SPACE GIANTS (MAGMA TAISHI) came out in 1966, but this opening (and music) is exclusive to the U.S. version. THE AMAZING TRANSPLANT supposedly came out in 1970, but I have no idea if the feature version contains the music heard in the trailer or not. Don't scoff, it could happen that it doesn't! So, which came first : the U.S. version of THE SPACE GIANTS or the trailer for THE AMAZING TRANSPLANT? I'm asking, because I don't know.

Is this original music done for one production that wound up in the other somehow? Who's responsible for creating it? Or is it library music? If the latter is the case, where else is it heard, and what is its source? It's SUCH a distinctive sound that I have a lot of trouble believing this is a soundalike coincidence. There must be a connection somewhere. The question (among many) is, what is it?

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