Friday, October 7, 2011

"Wild Thing" by Fancy

The somewhat unusual cover version of "Wild Thing" by the band Fancy was another of my weekend AT40 discoveries. I was so enthralled with it, and vexed by my inability to buy it on mp3, that I went ahead and purchased the reissue CD of Fancy's first album. And guess what? Despite some misgivings, I really liked it!

The thing that strikes me about Wild Thing the album is the same thing that caught my attention about Fancy's "Wild Thing" the song - namely, that it would not have been at all out of place during the "new wave" of the latter part of the 1970s. Though Fancy was originally a studio creation, their sound was very much new wave before there was such a thing.

I am thinking I may now need to invest in the reissue of BOTH albums from Fancy on import. Here are the liner notes from that particular release, with more insight into this band. And here's a little something from the site of one of the people who made it all happen. Finally, you'll find videos below of both "Wild Thing" and "Touch Me" (Fancy's follow-up hit). See what you think!

"Wild Thing" by Fancy

"Touch Me" by Fancy

1 comment:

  1. It's funny, I heard Fancy's "Touch Me" for the first time yesterday, which led me to checking out "Wild Thing" on YouTube. Your comment about it resembling 1970s New Wave music was absolutely right. The first song it reminded me of was Flying Lizards' robotic 1979 cover of "Money (That's What I Want)."
