Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Five Years

When I celebrated the fifth anniversary of the fanzine OWARI in 2000, five years felt like a lifetime. Today, five years feels like nothing at all.

Yes, five years ago this evening, I launched this blog to pretty much no fanfare whatsoever. It has grown in ways I couldn't have imagined that night, and this is a good thing. Certainly, it has gotten the word out better than I ever did before.

Posting has slowed down a little in recent months. That is at least partially by design. I have found my enthusiasm for this blog has occasionally gotten the best of me, and I have spent almost too much time working on it. I've tried to temper that enthusiasm and mix in shorter posts and even more breaks in posting. The hope is that will ensure that most entries have at least SOME value.

Alas, I know there are still plenty of times when I strike out here and don't meet my goals of quality. That is why I appreciate those of you who have stuck around and continue to favor this blog with views that, while modest, still surprise me every day.

Thanks for five years of Christopher Elam's OWARI.

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